Rosa Pires

Rosa_Pires crédit Chloé Charbonnier
Photo: Chloé Charbonnier

A second-generation immigrant from Quebec – her parents moved from Portugal to Quebec in the 1960s – Rosa Pires describes herself above all as feminist, anti-racist and left-wing. With her identity at the crossroads of various social groups, she is quick to assert that her “back has served as a bridge”, particularly in her community involvement. With a master’s degree in political science and a doctorate in sociology (UQAM), she worked as a political attaché for the Parti québécois, then as a candidate for Québec solidaire. From Jacques Parizeau’s speech on the ethnic vote in 1995 to the draft Charter of Quebec Values in 2013, she has observed a number of identity issues, which she describes in her essay Ne sommes-nous pas Québécoises? published in 2019. Today, she is a consultant and trainer on issues of inclusion, diversity, equity and gender.

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