Caroline Dawson

Caroline Dawson - Crédit Chloé Charbonnier
Photo: Chloé Charbonnier

Born in 1979 in Valparaiso, Chile, Caroline Dawson arrived in Canada as a political refugee with her family at the age of seven. There began the long road of adaptation and integration into Quebec culture, first in Montreal and then in Brossard. She studied sociology, traveled the world and lived in Sweden for several years before becoming a teacher at Cégep Édouard-Montpetit.

Passionate about literature, she is involved in the Festival de littérature jeunesse de Montréal and writes for various blogs (Page par Page, TPL Moms). She was a finalist for the Prix du récit de Radio-Canada in 2018 for Les Honeycomb de Madame Thérèse. In 2020, she published her first book, Là où je me terre, with Éditions du remue-ménage; the novel was a finalist for the Prix des libraires du Québec and winner of the Prix littéraire des collégiens in 2021. A collection of poetry, Ce qui est tu, was published in winter 2023 by Éditions Nota bene.

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