Refonder les histoires I: Writers say no to racism

November 15 - 20, 2017
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From November 15 to 20, 2017, Espace de la diversité and éditions Mémoire d’encrier are launching the event Refonder les histoires at the Salon du livre de Montréal. Writers say no to racism.

The main objective: to combat racism and exclusion through books and literature, and to celebrate those writers who, through their imagination, disturb and refound the order of things. Some fifty authors from Quebec, Canada and other countries, representing a diversity of backgrounds and experiences, await you at the Salon du livre de Montréal to initiate together this great deployment of voices, ideas and imaginations.

Fundamental questions will be asked and discussed: what stories should we tell ourselves? What stories are we capable of hearing?

To move forward, we need to make room for others and their imaginations, for other ways of living and creating literature. Let the voices of the world be crossroads, encounters, shaking hands and hearts, so as to avoid dividing the world between those who enjoy it and those who don’t. Let’s be inhabitants of the same world. Let us be inhabitants of the same Earth. Let us dream together of another sun of consciousness. Let’s combine our voices and our destinies to enter this adventure that calls for a new humanism.

Refonder les histoires I : Les écrivains disent non au racisme

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